Stop It! I Like It!
Stop It! I Like It! - Rick Guard
STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, TOUCH, SHUFFLE TURN, SHUFFLE1&Right step forward diagonally, left step together2&Right step forward diagonally, left step together3&Right step forward diagonally, left step together4Right step forward diagonally5-6Step left forward, right toe touch next to left7&8Right shuffle back9&10Left shuffle making a ½ turn leftKICK BALL CHANGE, SIDE MAMBOS11&12Right kick ball change13&14Right side mambo, right step side, rock weight onto left foot, right step together15&16Left side mambo, left step side, rock weight onto right foot, left step togetherSEXY TURN17-18Step right forward, pivot a ¼ turn left rotating hips to the left slowly19-24Repeat 17-18 three more times to complete a full turn left Arms: right hand on right side of face, left hand on hip, move right hand down body as you move left hand up to face. Look sexyTOUCH & STEP, KICK & TOUCH25Right toe touch next to left&Step right back26Step left forward27Right kick forward&Step right back28Left toe touch forwardSHUFFLE, SWEEP29&30Left shuffle forward31-32Sweep right toe around floor to make a ¼ turn leftREPEAT