South County Shuffle
Linda Brown (USA) & Charlie Brown (USA)
I'm from the Country - Tracy Byrd
KICKS, TRIPLES IN PLACE1Kick right foot forward2Kick right foot to the right3&4Triple step in place (right-left-right)5Kick left foot forward6Kick left foot to the left7&8Triple step in place (left-right-left)SHUFFLE FORWARD, TURNING SHUFFLE, VINE RIGHT, STOMP9&10Shuffle forward (right-left-right)11&12Shuffle forward (right-left-right) making a ½ turn to the right13Step to the right on right foot14Cross left foot behind right and step15Step to the right on right foot16Stomp left foot next to right (stomp down)RAMBLES WITH HOLDS & CLAPS17Swivel both heels to the left18Swivel both toes to the left19Swivel both heels to the left20Hold and clap hands21Swivel both heels to the right22Swivel both toes to the right23Swivel both heels to the right24Hold and clap handsRIGHT KICK-BALL CHANGES, MILITARY PIVOTS TO THE LEFT25Kick right foot forward&Step on ball of right foot next to left26Shift weight onto left foot27&28Repeat beats 25&2629Step forward on right foot30Pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of right foot and shift weight to left foot31-32Repeat beats 29-30TURNING JAZZ SQUARE, JAZZ SQUARE, STOMP33Cross right foot over left and step34Step back onto left foot in place35Step slightly to the right on right foot making a turn to the right with the step36Step left foot next to right37Cross right toot over left and step38Step back onto left foot in place39Step slightly to the right on right foot40Stomp left foot next to right and yell "whoo!"¼ MONTEREY TURNS41Touch right toe to the right42Pivot ¼ turn to the right on ball of left foot and step right foot next to left43Touch left toe to the left44Step left foot next to right45-48Repeat beats 41-44REPEAT