Song And Dance Man
Song and Dance Man - Johnny Paycheck
JAZZ BOX, BALL CHANGE STOMP & HEEL DROPS WITH ATTITUDE1-7Jazz box stepping right-left-right-left (step right forward crossed front of left, step back left, step right to right, step left slightly forward) - the first three steps each take 2 counts&8-9Ball change right, left, stomp right forward and get down into a short lunge both knees bent, right shoulder leading (Gene Kelly style)10Hold this position11-15Three heel drops right with right finger clicks Heel drops on counts 11, 13, 15 and finger clicks on counts 12, 14DROP BACK AND KICK FORWARD, WALK AROUND16Drop back onto left, kicking right forward low17-18Walk forward right19-20Walk forward left turning ¼ right, head looks over left shoulder21-22Turn ¼ right and walk forward right23-24Walk forward left25-26Walk right turning ¼ left, head look over right shoulder27-28Turn ¼ left and walk forward left29-30Walk forward right31-32Step left forward to left corner and kick right forward lowDRAGS AND STEPS AND LONG GRAPEVINE33-34Step right diagonally back and drag left towards right foot35-36Step left, right on the spot37-38Step left diagonally back and drag right towards left foot39-40Step right, left on the spot41-48Long grapevine to right finished with a hitch left (stepping right, left, right, left, right, left, right - step side, behind, side in front, side behind, side, hitch)DRAGS AND STEPS AND LONG GRAPEVINE, TURN ¼ RIGHT49-56Long grapevine to left finished with a hitch right57-64Repeat counts 33-36 (drags and steps)65-68Walk right, left making ¼ turn rightREPEATRESTART To "Song And Dance Man" the dance is done in full to five walls. The music then misses counts 65-68 and goes straight into count 1. When you face the front for the final full wall go straight into count 1 with the music without turning to next wall. The track fades out shortly after.