Single Status
Single - Natasha Bedingfield
WALK, WALK, 1 ¾ TURN LEFT, BEHIND, SIDE, IN FRONT, SIDE, TOGETHER, ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Walk forward right, left3&4&5Make a 1 ¾ turn left on the spot, stepping right, left, right, left, step right to right side6&7Step left foot behind right, step right to right side, step left over right8Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward rightPIVOT ¾ TURN, SIDE STEP, BEHIND, SIDE, FRONT, PRESS, PUSH, BEHIND, SIDE, FRONT9-10Pivot ¾ turn right on ball of right foot, side step left to left side11&12Step right behind left, left to left side, cross step right over left13-14Press forward onto left foot on the left diagonal, push back and place weight onto right15&16Step left behind right, right to right side, step left over rightSTEP, ¾ TURN, SWEEP, ROCK & SIDE, ROCK & SIDE, BEHIND, TURN, SIDE, BEHIND17-18Step forward right, pivot ¾ turn left and sweep left foot round to face 6:00 wall19&20Rock left behind right, replace weight to right, large step left to left21&22Rock right behind left, replace weight to right, large step right to right23&Step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward24&Make ¼ turn right and step left to side, step right behind leftSIDE ROCK, LEFT SAILOR, RIGHT SAILOR, BEHIND, ¼ TURN, STEP, BRUSH25-26Rock out to left on left foot, replace weight to right foot27&28Step left behind right, right to right, step left in place29&30Step right behind left, left to left, step right in place31&Step left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward32&Step forward left, brush right next to leftSTEP PIVOT, TURN, ROCK, 1 ½ TURN, ROCK, STEP BRUSH33-34Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left35-36Make ½ turn left and step back on right, rock back left37-38Replace weight to right, make ½ turn right and step back on left&39Make ½ turn right and step forward right, make ½ turn right and step back on left&40&Rock back right, replace weight to left, brush right next to leftSTEP FORWARD TWICE, STEP ½ PIVOT, FULL TURN, FORWARD, TOGETHER, BACK, TOGETHER41-42Step forward right, step forward left43&44Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward right45&46Make ½ turn right stepping back left, make ½ turn right and step forward right, step forward left47&48&Step forward right, step left next to right, step back right, step left next to rightREPEATRESTART On 2nd wall, restart dance after count 40& On 3rd wall, restart dance after count 32&