Show Me The Money
Intermediate/Advanced hip hop
Ryan Lindsey (USA) & Jason Branam
Show Me the Money - Petey Pablo
Sequence: AB AA B AA C AA Special choreography input by Bubba JonesPART A SIDE STEPS WITH A STEP TWICE1Step right foot to right side2Step left foot to left side3Touch right foot to right side&4Touch right toe beside left & step right to right side5Step left foot to left side6Step right foot to right side7Touch left foot to left side&8Touch left toe beside right & step left to left sideCRISS CROSS, CROSS STEP HOLD&1Cross right foot in front of left foot on the & count (while jumping up), then uncross right foot by stepping out on right foot and weight ends on left2Cross right over left3Step left foot&4Look left on the & count, then look forward while holding position&5Cross left foot in front of right foot on the & count (while jumping up), then uncross left foot by stepping out on left foot and weight ends on right6Cross left over right7Step right foot&8Look right on the & count, then look forward while holding positionPART B JUMP STEP SLIDE, ½ TURN HITCH, ¾ TURN, ¼ KICK BALL STEP(WITH STYLING)1&2Slightly jumping backwards on 1, step forward on left foot on &, step back on right foot while sliding left foot to back(weight is on right foot)3-4While turning ½ turn left, step on left foot, then hitch right knee up5-6Place right toe behind left foot, then turn ¾ turn to right while unwinding (face 3:00 wall) end on right7&8Kick left across right, & step on ball of left foot, then turn ¼ turn right stepping on right foot(facing 6:00 wall)TOUCH GLIDE, ¼ TURN LEFT, SLIDE BACK, HOLD, STEP, KICK, HOLD, THEN BOUNCE & DROP1&2Touch right toe while sliding left foot to left3-4¼ Left while sliding left foot back, hold5-6Step forward on left, kick right foot forward7&8While keeping right extended: bounce your leg down & up, then touch right foot crossing over leftCROSS, ½ TURN, STEP BACK TWICE, CHUG TWICE, KICK BALL STEP1-2Cross right foot over left with a step, then turn ½ turn to the left (facing 9:00)3-4Step back right, then step back left5-6Touch right toe twice 1/8 turn left7&8Kick ball change (facing 7:30)SAILORS TWICE WITH ½ TURN, CROSS, STEP, STEP, FULL TURN HITCH, STEP (WITH ARM STYLING)1&2Step right behind left while turning 3/8 turn to the right, step on ball of left, then step on right3&4Step left behind right, step on ball of right, then step on left5Cross step right over left: arms (fingertips together, left elbow up, right elbow down, arms diagonally across chest, left elbow at shoulder, right elbow at waist)6Step left to left side: arms (fingertips together, left elbow down, right elbow up, arms diagonally across chest, left elbow at waist, right elbow at shoulder)7Cross step right over left ¼ turn: arms (point both arms diagonally toward left at floor, while crossing right foot)&8While on right foot hitch your left leg on the & count while turning a full turn left stepping forward on left foot (facing 9:00 wall)KICK BALL CHANGE, TOE HEEL SLIDES, LEFT FOOT SLIDE, 540 SPIN1&2Kick right foot forward, step on ball of right foot, step on left foot3&a4Swivel left toes to right side, swivel right toes to right side, swivel left heel5Slide left foot straight back678While on the ball of left foot spin a total of 540 degrees... 1 ½ spin, step on right footROCK RECOVER, CROSS, ½ TURN CROSS, STEP LEFT, HITCH, FORWARD PUSH, HITCH (WITH ARM STYLING)1-2Rock left foot to left side, recover weight on right3Cross left foot over right4While turning ½ turn to right, cross right foot over left5Step left foot to left side6Hitch right knee up, while lifting right arm up parallel to knee7Step right foot forward, while pushing right arm forward palm facing down8Hitch right knee up, while lifting right arm up parallel to kneeTURN, STEP, HITCH, STEP, HITCH, ¼ BODY ROLL TO A TOUCH, BODY ROLL BACK, HITCH1&2Swing right leg a ¼ turn while hitching, step down on right, hitch left3Step left foot forward4Hitch right knee up5&6While stepping back on right foot roll upper body a ¼ turn and hold on 67&8Roll upper body back to left a ¼ turn while hitching right foot upSTOMP, ¼ TURN SWEEP, KICK KICK, SWIVEL TWICE, HITCH, STEP SWITCH1&2Stomp right ball, sweep right toe as you do a ¼ turn right, switch weight to right while bringing left toe to a touch3&4Kick left behind right at knee level, kick right behind left at knee level, step right foot down5&6On ball of both feet swivel to right, swivel heels to center, swivel heels to right while hitching left knee up (should be facing 10:30)7&8Step down on left, slide left back while sliding right foot forward, then switch back to original positionPART C FULL SPIN, HOLD, LEFT SLIDE, CLAP1-4Prepare on 1, spin 1 complete turn on 2-4 facing 12:00 at end of spin5Hold: while holding extend right arm forward while pointing index finger up6-7With elbow bent at chest level, step left foot to the side and slide right to meet left8ClapSLIDE RIGHT, TOUCH BEHIND, UNWIND FULL SPIN, STEP, ARM STYLING WITH KNEE BEND1-2Step right to right side, while bending elbow at chest level, touch left toe behind right, while pointing both index fingers to the right toward the floor3-4Unwind a full turn to the left, end facing front wall5Extend arms straight out at chest level, palms facing down toward floor6Bend elbows, while bringing arms down to stomach area, palms still facing down7Bring arms slightly out to waist area, palms facing toward each other8Bring palms and knees togetherACT LIKE A MIME: CROSS STEP, RECOVER, FULL BODY ROLL IN SECTIONS1-2Both arms extended to the outside of the right leg, palms facing left, while pushing left with hands cross left foot over right(act like a mime)3-4Rotate hands where the palms are facing to the right, and touch left leg back left side with your knees still bent in the starting position5Pop left knee out to left side6Pop right knee out to right side7&8Body roll from stomach up to your arms, with arm ending extended out to left side, at the same time move left foot to left side ending with a touchCROSS TOUCH, KNEE SWIVEL, DOUBLE KNEE SPIN, STEP UP1-2Press left foot down and pop up in a cross over right, at the same time take hands and position them on knee like you are picking it up3&4Step right to right side and pop knee in then out to right side567Drop right knee to floor ¼ turn left, spin on both knees ¾ turn facing front weight ending on left8Step up on rightBACK STEP X3, STEP KICK, SWING BACK TO KNEE, BODY PRESS, RECOVER, STEP UP1&2Step back: right, left, right3-4Step forward left, kick right foot forward5-6Swing right foot around to right meeting behind left knee, while turning ½ turn right fall into a body press on the floor7Recover to standing position8Step up on left, end with weight on right: finishing body pressSTEP, LEFT ROLL, STEP, SHOULDER SHAKES, STEP1Step left foot to left side diagonal2Body roll to left3-4Right foot hitch, step down on right with body bent forward at waist5&6&Shake shoulder to right, alternating shoulders right left right left7-8Slide left foot to right, stomp left foot