The Shenandoah Waltz (P)
Love Never Broke Anyone's Heart - Vince Gill
Position: Begin in side-by-side positionBOTH TURN SLIGHTLY TO THE LEFT WHEN STEPPING OUT1Step left forward2Right step next to left3Left step in placeBOTH TURN SLIGHTLY TO THE RIGHT4Step right forward5Left step next to right6Right step in placeAGAIN TURN SLIGHTLY TO THE LEFT1Step left forward2Right step next to left3Left step in place4Right step forward into a ½ turn right5Step left back6Right step next to left 1Step left back2Right step next to left3Left step in place4Right step back into a ½ turn left5Step left forward6Right step next to left In the next move both will execute a ¾ turn left. Both will he facing the outside wall. To make this turn, man will drop lady's right hand and pick up her hand again on count 3. 1Left step into a ¼ turn left2Right step into a ¼ turn left3Left step into a ¼ turn left pick up your partner's right hand4Balance right step to right side5Hold position6Hold position 1Left step to left side2Right step behind left3Left step into a ¼ turn left4Step right forward5Slide left behind right6Step right forwardREPEAT