Shakespeare In Love
Shakespeare In Love - Layla Kaylif
SIDE SHUFFLE, STOMP, SCUFF1&2Step right to the right, step left beside right, step right to the right3-4Stomp left beside right and scuff left5&6Step left to the left, step right beside left, step left to the left7-8Stomp right beside left and scuff rightCROSS, CROSS, STEP ¼ TURN RIGHT1Cross right over left2Cross left over right3Step back on right and ¼ turn to the right Now facing right side wall4Hitch leftMODIFIED WEAVE, KICK SIDE1Step left in front of right2Step right to the right (small steps)3Step left behind right4Kick right to the right5Step right behind left6Step left to the left (small steps)7Step right in front of left8Kick left to the leftCROSS, CROSS, STEP ¼ TURN RIGHT1Cross left over right2Cross right over left3Step back on left and ¼ turn to the right Now facing back wall4Hitch rightROCK FORWARD AND BACK1Rock forward on right2Rock back on left3Step right back and rock back4Rock forward on leftGRIND HEEL, ¼ TURN RIGHT, COASTAL STEPS, GRIND HEEL, COASTAL STEPS1-2Touch right heel forward turning toes in, grind heel ¼ right, stepping back on left Now facing left side wall3&4Step right back, step left together, step right forward5-6Touch left heel forward turning toes in, grind heel to the left7&8Step left back, step right together, step left forwardREPEAT