Shake It Up
That's for Her to Know - The Guthrie Brothers
STEP, DRAG TURNING ¼ LEFT, HIP BUMPS, HIP SHAKE1Right long step side right2-3Left drag/slowly slide next to right while turning body ¼ left4Bump left hip forward5-6Bump hips back & right, bump hips forward & left7&8Bump hips back & right, bump hips forward & left, bump hips back & right with weightLEFT SHUFFLE FORWARD, ½ PIVOT LEFT, RIGHT SHUFFLE FORWARD, HEEL SWITCH1&2Step left forward, right step next to left, step left forward3-4Step right forward, pivot ½ left onto left5&6Step right forward, left step next to right, step right forward7&8Left heel forward, left step together, right heel forward¼ PIVOT RIGHT, HIP BUMPS, HEEL SWITCHES WITH HOOK-STEP&1-2Right step together, left touch forward, pivot ¼ turn right shifting weight left3-4Bump hips right, bump hips left5&6Right heel forward, right step together, left heel forward&7&8Left step together, right heel forward, right hook across left, right step side right shoulder-width apartHIP SHAKES, RIGHT SHUFFLE TURNING ¼ LEFT, REVERSE ½ PIVOT LEFT1&2Shake hips right twice shifting weight right3&4Shake hips left twice shifting weight left5&6Right step side right, slide left next to right angling body 45deg left, right step back turning body another 45deg left7-8Left touch back, pivot ½ turn left onto leftHEEL SWITCHES (RIGHT THEN LEFT)1&2Right heel forward, right step together, left heel forward&3-4Left step together, right heel tap forward twice (3, 4)&5&6Right step together, left heel forward, left step together, right heel forward&7-8Right heel together, left heel tap forward twice (7, 8)SHIMMY LEFT, HIP BUMPS, HIP SHAKE1Left long step side left2-3Right drag/slowly slide next to left while shimmying shoulders4Right touch next to left/clap hands at same time5-6Bump hips right, bump hips left7&8Bump hips right twice shifting weight rightHEEL & STEP, STEP, HEEL, CURLY SHUFFLE, REVERSE ½ PIVOT RIGHT1&2Left heel forward, left step ball of foot next to right, step right forward3-4Step left forward, right heel forward&5&6Left scoot back with right off floor, right tap behind left heel, left scoot back with right off floor, right tap behind left heel7-8Right touch back, pivot ½ right keeping weight on leftRIGHT SHUFFLE BACK, ROCK, STEP, ¼ PIVOT RIGHT, KNEE SWAY1&2Step right back, left step next to right, step right back3-4Left rock ball of foot behind right, recover to right5-6Left touch forward, pivot ¼ right onto left7-8Bend knees and sway hips right shifting weight right, bend knees and sway hips left shifting weight leftREPEAT