Saturday Night
Saturday Night - Jo Dee Messina
RIGHT BRUSH, CROSS, RIGHT SHUFFLE, STEP TURN A ½, FULL TURN1-2Brush right foot forward, brush right foot back and hook in front of left3&4Step forward on right foot, slide left foot to it, step forward on right foot5-6Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ a turn to the right7Step forward on left foot turning ½ a turn to the right8Step back on right foot turning ½ a turn to the rightLEFT ROCK & CROSS, RIGHT ROCK & CROSS, LEFT ROCK, ¼ TURN, STEP BACK, TOUCH9&10Rock left foot to left side, replace weight onto right, cross left foot over right11&12Rock right foot to right side, replace weight onto left, cross right foot over left13-14Rock left foot to left side, replace weight onto right while tuning a ¼ to the left15-16Step back on left foot, touch right toe backMODIFIED JAZZ BOX WITH A ¼ TURN RIGHT, MODIFIED JAZZ BOX WITH ¼ TURN LEFT17-18Brush right foot forward, cross right foot over left19-20Step back on left foot, step right foot to right side while turning a ¼ to the right21-22Brush left foot forward, cross left foot over right23-24Step back on right foot, step left foot to left side while turning a ¼ to the leftRIGHT TOE TOUCHES, UNWIND ½ A TURN RIGHT, MODIFIED MONTEREY TURN25-26Touch right toe to the right side, touch right toe in front of left27-28Touch right toe to the right side, touch right toe behind left29-30Unwind ½ a turn to the right (bending knees slightly), touch left toe out to left side31-32Step down on left foot turning ½ a turn to the left (bending knees slightly), touch right toe backREPEATTAG At the end of the 4th wall RIGHT KICK BALL STEP TWICE, STEP PIVOT A ½, STEP PIVOT A ½ AND HOOK LEFT IN FRONT OF RIGHT1&2Kick right foot forward, step right in place, step forward on left foot3&4Kick right foot forward, step right in place, step forward on left foot5-6Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ a turn to the left7-8Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ a turn to the left hooking left in front of rightBRUSH LEFT FORWARD, BACK, LEFT SHUFFLE, ROCK RIGHT FORWARD, BACK, BACK, FORWARD9-10Brush left foot forward, brush left foot back11&12Step forward on left foot, slide right foot to it, step forward on left foot13-14Rock forward on right foot, replace weight onto left15-16Rock back on right foot, replace weight onto left At the end of the 15th wall RIGHT KICK BALL STEP TWICE, STEP PIVOT A ½, STEP PIVOT A ½ AND HOOK LEFT IN FRONT OF RIGHT1&2Kick right foot forward, step right in place, step forward on left foot3&4Kick right foot forward, step right in place, step forward on left foot5-6Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ a turn to the left7-8Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ a turn to the left hooking left in front of rightBRUSH LEFT FORWARD, BACK, LEFT SHUFFLE, ROCK RIGHT FORWARD, BACK, BACK, FORWARD9-10Brush left foot forward, brush left foot back11&12Step forward on left foot, slide right foot to it, step forward on left foot13-14Rock forward on right foot, replace weight onto left15-16Rock back on right foot, replace weight onto left17-18Rock forward on right foot, replace weight onto left19-20Rock back on right foot, replace weight onto left