Run A Little (P)
Hands of Time - Steve Wariner
Position: Side by Side (Sweetheart) Position. Mirror ImageSTART DANCE ON INSIDE LEG (LADY-LEFT, MAN-RIGHT)1-8Walk, walk, walk, hitch, walk, walk, walk, hitchCHANGE PLACES Do not drop hands / right over9-16LADY: Full turn left MAN: Vine right (finish with hands crossed in front)13-16Make ¼ to face, kick, ¼ LOD, kick 17-20Make ¼ to face, kick, ¼ LOD, hold21-24Cross, back, side, touch (jazz box)25-28Forward slide, left forward, hitchCHANGE PLACES Do not drop hands / back to Sweetheart29-32LADY: Full turn right MAN: Vine left33-36Inside shuffle, outside shuffle37-40Forward slide, forward scuff41-44Forward slide, forward scuffREPEAT