Roman Holiday
On an Evening In Roma - Patrizio Buanne
Dance starts on the English verseWALK, WALK, ROCK STEP, STEP BACK, BACK, BACK, WEAVE LEFT1-4(SS) Step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold5-8(QQS) Rock left forward, recover to right, step left back, hold On this hold you can do a sweep with the right from front to back 1-4(SS) Step right back, hold, step left back, hold On these holds you can also sweep left then right5-8(QQS) Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left, hold3 SETS OF SIDE, TOGETHER CROSS IN FRONT, THEN TURNING ½ LEFT, STEP BACK, SIDE, FORWARD1-4(QQS) Step left to side, step right together, cross left over right, hold5-8(QQS) Step right to side, step left together, cross right over left, hold1-4(QQS) Step left to side, step right together, cross left over right, hold These 3 sets look a bit like twinkles - on the side together crosses, use the corners or angle these5-8(QQS) Turn ¼ left and step right back, turn ¼ left and step left to side, step right forward, hold (now facing 6:00)2 SETS OF CHARLESTON TOUCHES WITH A COASTER STEP RHYTHM IN BETWEEN1-4(SS) Step left forward, hold, touch right toe forward, hold5-6(S) Step right back, hold7-8(QQ) Step left back, step right together This is a partial coaster step 1-4(SS) Step left forward, hold, touch right toe forward, hold5-6(S) Step right back, hold7-8(QQ) Step left back, step right together This is a partial coaster stepWALK, WALK, STEP, TURN, STEP (½ TURN RIGHT)1-4(SS) Step left forward, hold, step right forward, hold5-8(QQS) Step left forward, turn ½ right (weight to right), step left forward, holdWALK, WALK, ROCK, RECOVER, TURN ¼ RIGHT, STEP SIDE1-4(SS) Step right forward, hold, step left forward, hold5-8(QQS) Rock right forward, recover to left, turn ¼ right and step right to sideREPEAT