Prairie Wind (P)
On the Other Hand - Randy Travis
Position: Sweetheart Position 1-2Touch left heel forward, touch left toe back3-4Stand on left, touch right beside left5-7Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back, stand on right8MAN: Touch left beside right LADY: Step left beside right 9-10MAN: Step left to side (release right hands), touch right beside left LADY: Step right to side, touch left beside right11-12MAN: Step right to side (behind lady), step left beside right LADY: Step left to side, step right beside left Release lady's left hand & rejoin right13-14MAN: Step right to side, step left beside right LADY: Step left to side, step right beside left15-16MAN: Step right to side, touch left beside right LADY: Step left to side, touch right beside left 17-18MAN: Step left to side (behind lady - raise right hand over lady's head), step right beside left LADY: Step right to side, step left beside right & turn ½ to right19-20MAN: Step left to side, step right beside left & rejoin left hands LADY: Step right to side & turn ½ to right, touch left beside right Should now be back in Sweetheart Position21-22Step forward left, then right (angled to left)23-24Step forward left (angled to left), hitch right while swiveling left heel to left 25-26Step forward right, then left (angled to right)27-28Step forward right (angled to right), hitch left while swiveling right heel to right29-30Step forward left, then right (angled to left)31-32Step forward left (angled to left), hitch right while swiveling left heel to left 33-34Step forward right, then left (angled to right)35-36Step forward right (angled to right), hitch left37-40Step back left, right, left, step right beside left 41-44Swivel heels to right, center, left, centerREPEAT