On The Rocks
On The Rocks - The Wrights
1&2Left behind right, touch right to right, return weight to left (sailor traveling back)3&4Right behind left, touch left to left, return weight to right (sailor traveling back)5-6-7-8Rock back on left, return weight to right, touch left forward, pivot ½ right 1&2Left heel forward, step left beside right, step right forward3&4Left heel forward, step left beside right, step right forward5-6Step left forward (sway left hip forward), return weight to right (sway back)7&8Cross shuffle back left, right, left 1-2Rock back on right, return weight on left3-4Step right forward ¼ turn left, return weight onto left5&6Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right over left (cross shuffle)7-8Left to left, tap right toe beside left 1-2-3-4Touch right toe to right 45, rotate right knee and hip to the right twice5-6-7-8Step right behind left, left to left, cross right over left, kick left to left 45 1-2-3-4Step left behind right, right to right, cross left over right, kick right to right 455-6-7&8Step right behind left, left to left, shuffle forward right, left, right 1-2-3&4Touch left forward, pivot ½ right, shuffle forward left, right, left5-6Touch right forward pivot ½ left7-8Step right forward, turning ½ left swinging left in an arcREPEAT