On The Rocks
Maria Hennings Hunt (UK)
On The Rocks - The Wrights
KICK BALL CHANGE, HEEL GRIND ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP, PIVOT ½ TURN1&2Kick right leg forward, replace weight onto right foot, change weight to left foot3-4Place right heel forward, grind heel ¼ turn to right5&6Step right foot back, step left foot back, step right foot forward7-8Step forward onto left foot, pivot turn ½ over right shoulder, stepping onto right footSHUFFLE FORWARD, FULL TURN, POINT CROSS, POINT CROSS1&2Step left foot forward, close right foot to left foot, step left foot forward3-4Step forward right foot turning ½ turn left, step left foot forward turning ½ left shoulder5-6Point right toe to side, cross right foot over left7-8Pont left toe to side, cross left foot over right foot Alternative for those who do not like to turn - replace steps with walks forwardKICK BALL CHANGE, HEEL GRIND ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP, PIVOT ½ TURN1&2Kick right leg forward, replace weight onto right foot, change weight to left foot3-4Place right heel forward, grind heel ¼ turn to right5&6Step right foot back, step left foot back, step right foot forward7-8Step forward onto left foot, pivot turn ½ over right shoulder, stepping onto right footSHUFFLE FORWARD, FULL TURN, POINT CROSS, POINT CROSS1&2Step left foot forward, close right foot to left foot, step left foot forward3-4Step forward right foot turning ½ turn left, step left foot forward turning ½ left shoulder5-6Point right toe to side, cross right foot over left7-8Point left toe to side, cross left foot over right foot Alternative for those who do not like to turn - replace steps with walks forwardSTEP SIDE, HOLD, STEP SIDE HOLD, SAILOR STEP, SAILOR STEP1-2Step right foot to side, hold&3-4Close left foot to right foot, step right foot to side, hold5&6Cross left foot behind right foot, rock right foot to side, replace weight onto left foot7-8Cross right foot behind left foot, rock left foot to side, replace weight onto right footSTEP SIDE, HOLD, STEP SIDE HOLD, SAILOR STEP, SAILOR STEP1-2Step left foot to side, hold&3-4Close right foot to left foot, step left foot to side, hold5&6Cross right foot behind left foot, rock left foot to side, replace weight onto right foot7-8Cross left foot behind right foot, rock right foot to side, replace weight onto left footREPEATENDING At the end of the track, the chorus ("on the rocks") repeats three times. Just dance the last two eight count sections three times and music will end at the same time as the dance