On My Knees
On My Knees - Charlie Rich & Janie Fricke
STEP POINT (4), SHUFFLE, COASTER STEP1-2Step right forward point touch left toe to left side3-4Step left forward point touch right toe to right side5-8Repeat steps 1- 49&10Shuffle on ½ turn left right left right11&12Step left back, bring right foot beside left, step left forwardSTEP POINT (4), SHUFFLE, COASTER STEP13-24Repeat steps 1-12STOMP RIGHT LEFT, HIP SWAYS25-26Stomp right foot and hold27-28Stomp left foot and hold29-32Sway right left right left (done in figure 8 motion)RIGHT SAILOR SHUFFLE, BEHIND CROSS STEP TWICE33Step right behind left foot&34Step left on ball of left foot to left side push off to step on right foot to right side35-36Step left behind right step on right to right side37Step left behind right foot&38Step right on ball of right foot to right side push off to step on left foot to left side39-40Step right behind left step on left to left sideSTEP HOLD TWICE, SHUFFLE ½ TURN TWICE41-42Step right foot forward and hold43-44Step left foot forward and hold45&46Shuffle right left right turning ½ turn left47&48Shuffle left right left turning ½ turn left49-50Step right backward and hold51-52Step left backward and hold53&54Shuffle right left right turning ½ turn right55&56Shuffle left right left turning ½ turn rightSTOMP RIGHT HOLD, STOMP LEFT HOLD, CROSS ½ TURN RIGHT57-58Stomp right foot to right side and hold59-60Stomp left foot to left side and hold61-64Cross right over left and bending knees turning ½ turn right slowlyREPEATRESTART On the the 3rd wall, dance only counts 1-33, then start over at the beginning.