Ole Slew Foot
Paula Frohn-Butterly (USA)
Ole Slew Foot - BR5-49
VINE RIGHT, STAMP, TWO SHUFFLES FORWARD1Step right foot to right side.2Cross-step left foot behind right foot.3Step right foot to right side.4Stamp left foot next to right foot. Keep weight on right foot.5&6Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left.7&8Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right.VINE LEFT, STAMP, TWO SHUFFLES BACK9Step left foot to left side.10Cross-step right foot behind left foot.11Step left foot to left side.12Stamp right foot next to left foot. Keep weight on left foot.13&14Shuffle back stepping right, left, right.15&16Shuffle back stepping left, right, left.TRIPLE TO RIGHT SIDE, & PIVOT ½ RIGHT, TRIPLE TO LEFT SIDE, REPEAT17&18Triple step to right side stepping right, left, right.&With weight on right foot, pivot ½ turn right.19&20Triple step to left side stepping left, right, left.21-24Repeat steps 17-20STOMP, KICK, TRIPLE IN PLACE, REPEAT25Stomp right foot in place.26Kick left foot forward.27&28Triple step in place stepping left, right, left.29-32Repeat steps 25-28TWO JAZZ SQUARES33Cross-step right foot in front of left foot.34Step left foot back.35Step right foot to right side.36Step left foot forward.37-40Repeat steps 33-36STEP-PIVOT ¼ LEFT, JAZZ SQUARE, STOMP, HOLD & CLAP41Step right foot forward.42Pivot ¼ turn left, transferring weight to left foot.43-46Repeat steps 33-3647Stomp right foot next to left foot.48Hold with weight on left foot & clap hands.REPEAT Start dance on vocals. Complete 8 walls and finish the last eight counts with41-42Stomp left, stomp right43-44Hold for two counts with clap45-48RepeatVARIATION Great in contra lines. Keep all lines close together. Substitute claps to slapping opposing dancer's hands.