Okie Boogie
Okie Boogie - Tom Morrell & The Timewarp Tophands
1-2Step right foot to the side, slide left foot beside right3-4Step right to the side, touch left foot beside right5&6Shuffle to the left side left-right-left7-8Rock/step right foot across behind left, rock forward onto left 9Step forward on ball of right foot to right diagonal pushing hip forward to diagonal (lift left knee)10Push hips backward to diagonal taking weight onto left foot (drop heel)11-12Slide right foot to touch beside left, hold&13Step on ball of right foot to side, step left foot to side14Step right foot across in front of left15Rock/step left foot to the side16Rock sideward onto right and make ¼ turn left 17-18Step left foot backward, touch right toe across in front of left foot19-20Step right foot backward, touch left toe across in front of right foot21-22Step left foot backward, touch right toe across in front of left foot23-24Step right foot backward, low kick forward with left foot towards left diagonal 25Step left foot forward toward left diagonal26Step right foot forward to lock behind left27Step left foot forward toward left diagonal28Make 1/8 turn left on ball of left foot & step right foot to side (you should be facing 6:00)29-30Step left foot forward, hold31-32Step right foot forward, hold 33-34Step left foot forward, make ½ pivot turn right & step weight forward onto right foot35-36Step left foot forward, hold 37-38Step right foot forward, make ½ pivot turn left & step weight forward onto left foot39Step right foot forward40Flick/lift left foot across behind right knee 41-42Step left foot forward toward left diagonal turning toe slightly outward, hold43-44Step right foot forward toward right diagonal turning toe slightly outward, hold45Step ball of left foot forward toward left diagonal turning toe slightly outward46Step ball of right foot forward toward right diagonal turning toe slightly outward47Step ball of left foot forward toward left diagonal turning toe slightly outward48Touch right toe beside left footREPEAT