Oh Me, Oh My
June Hulcombe (AUS) & Barbara Willshire (AUS)
Oh Me, Oh My Sweet Baby - George Strait
TRAVELING FORWARD 45'S WITH ATTITUDE These 45s move forward slightly. Move both arms out and up to the same side as the 45s i.e., 2:00 & 10:001-2Touch right heel forward 45 degrees right, step right next to left3-4Touch left heel forward 45 degrees left, step left next to right5-6Touch right heel forward 45 degrees right, step right next to left7-8Touch left heel forward 45 degrees left, step left next to rightHEELS OUT, TOES OUT, TOES IN, HEELS IN, SWIVEL HEELS RIGHT TWICE1-2Taking weight on toes split heels apart, taking weight on heels fan both toes out3-4Keeping weight on heels bring both toes together, taking weight on toes bring heels together5-6Twist both heels to right, return both heels to center7-8Twist both heels to right, return both heels to centerTOE STRUT, TOE STRUT, COASTER STEP, HOLD1-2Step right toe back, drop right heel3-4Step left toe back, drop left heel5-6Step right back, step left next to right7-8Step right forward, holdHEEL STRUT, HEEL STRUT, COASTER STEP, HOLD1-2Step left heel forward, drop left toe3-4Step right heel forward, drop right toe5-6Step left forward, step right next to left7-8Step left back, holdTOE, HEEL, TOE, KICK, CROSS, BACK, SIDE, TOUCH1-2Touch right toe to right side, touch right heel to right side3-4Touch right toe to right side, kick right forward 45 degrees right5-6Step right across in front of left, step left back7-8Step right to right side, touch left next to right (reggae/box step)TOE, HEEL, TOE, KICK, CROSS, BACK, SIDE, TOUCH1-2Touch left toe to left side, touch left heel to left side3-4Touch left toe to left side, kick left forward 45 degrees left5-6Step left across in front of right, step right back7-8Step left to left side, touch right next to left (reggae/box step)STOMP, HOLD, ¼ TURN, HOLD, STOMP HOLD, ¼ TURN HOLD1-2Stomp right forward, hold3-4Pivot ¼ left (weight left), hold5-6Stomp right forward, hold7-8Pivot ¼ left (weight left), holdROCK, RECOVER, SAILOR STEP, SAILOR STEP1-2Step/rock right to right side, step/ recover weight on to left3-4Step right behind left, step left to left side5-6Step right center, step left behind right7-8Step right to right side, step left centerREPEATENDING After count 44 (kick left forward 45 degrees left) do the reggae turning ½ turn to face the front