Nowhere Bound
Nowhere Town - Ronnie Beard
CALYPSO STEP, TWO STEP TURN, SHUFFLE SIDE STEP1&aStomp right foot over left, stomp left foot in place, stomp right foot on right side2&Stomp left foot over right, stomp right foot in place3-4Stomp left foot in place, stomp right foot in place5-6Two step turn to the left by stepping ¼ turn to left on left foot, complete turn by doing a ¾ turn pivoting on the ball of right foot (this brings you back to original position.)7&8Shuffle sideways by stepping to the left on left foot with weight on left, slide right to meet left with weight on right, step left on left foot with weight on leftCROSS STEP, BRING LEFT OVER RIGHT, SHUFFLE RIGHT IN LOCKED POSITION, STEP SIDE, HOLD, TRIPLE IN PLACE1-2Cross the right foot over the left with weight on right foot, bring left foot around, keeping it close to the right knee3&4Shuffle sideways in a locked position by stepping to the right on the left foot over the right, continue to travel sideways by stepping right on the right foot, step to the right on the left foot keeping it crossed over the right foot5-6Take a big step to the right, drag left foot to meet right or you can hold in place7&8Triple step in place stepping left-right-leftSTEP, ¼ TURN PIVOT, SHOULDER PULSE RIGHT THEN LEFT, BUMP RIGHT HIP TWICE1-2Step forward on the right foot, pivot a ¼ turn to the left with the left foot taking the weight3&4Shoulder pulse right by dropping right shoulder/raising left shoulder at the same time, reverse shoulder pulse by dropping left shoulder/raising right shoulder, reverse shoulder pulse one more time by dropping right shoulder/raising left shoulder (elbows should come to waist and forearms should be straight with hands in fists)5&6Repeat 3&4. (shoulder pulse left-right-left/right-left-right)7-8Bump right hip to the right twiceROCK FORWARD, RECOVER, COASTER STEP, SKATER SLIDE FOUR TIMES1-2Rock forward on the left foot, recover on the right foot3&4Begin coaster step stepping back on the left foot, bring right foot to meet left with weight on right, step forward on the left foot with weight on left5-8Skater slide by pivoting on the balls of both feet to the right-left-right-left. (by pivoting side to side, this gives you a "skater" look.)REPEAT