No Sweat Chet
Ode to Chet - Clint Black
Sequence: A, TAG, ABA, ABA, BA, BAPART A WALK RIGHT FOOT OUT, HOLD, HEEL & TURN, HOLD, TOE DOWN, HOLD1(Weight over left foot) leave right toe in place & move right heel to side2Leave heel in place & move toe to side3Leave toe in place & move heel to side Your right foot should have "walked" out to right side4Hold 5-6 lift right toe off ground & to right side (head & shoulders should also face right side), hold7-8Lower toe to ground & facing front (head & shoulders also), hold. (weight should be centered)WALK LEFT FOOT IN, HOLD, HEEL & TURN, HOLD, TOE DOWN, HOLD1(Weight over right foot) leave left heel in place & move left toe to right side2Leave toe in place & move heel to side3Leave heel in place & move toe to side Your left foot should have "walked" in to meet the right foot4Hold5-6Lift left toe off ground & to left side (head & shoulders should also face left side), hold7-8Lower toe to ground & facing front (head & shoulders also), holdCROSS TOE STRUT, HEEL STRUT, CROSS TOE STRUT, HEEL, HOLD1-2Step right toes across left foot, step down on whole of right foot (crossing "toe strut")3-4Step left heel to left side, step down on5-6Whole of left foot (side "heel strut") crossing toe strut with right7-8Tap left heel to left side, holdCROSS BEHIND, STEP, HEEL TAP SIDE, HOLD, CROSS BEHIND, HEEL TAP SIDE, CLOSE1-2Cross left behind right, step down onto right3-4Tap left heel to left side, hold5-6Cross left behind right, step down onto right7-8Tap left heel to left side, close left to right Head should look to left when heel is out & whole move should happen basically on the spotPART B The holds are to "slow" it down to ½ time STEP, HOLD, ¼ TURN, HOLD (WITH ARMS), STEP, HOLD, CLOSE, HOLD1-2Step forward on right (right arm goes straight out in front, palm up), hold3-4¼ turn to the left (transferring the weight to left), (right arm stays where it is, i.e. Ends up out to right side, while hand flips over & up into "stop" position, head is looking to right side), hold5-6Step forward on right (arm comes back to normal position, head to face front), hold7-8Close left to right, holdSTEP, HOLD, ¼ TURN, HOLD (WITH ARMS), STEP, HOLD, CLOSE, HOLD1-8Repeat previous 8 counts as aboveSLOW ROLLING TURN WITH CLAP, SIDE, HOLD, SLIDE, HOLD, SIDE, HOLD, SLIDE, HOLD1-2¼ turn to the left & step forward onto left, hold3-4½ turn to the left & step back on right, hold5-6¼ turn to the left & step left to side, hold7-8Close right to left & clap, hold9-10Step right to side (arms at sides & tilt shoulders down to right slightly), hold11-12Slide left foot to close (straighten shoulders up again), hold13-16Repeat these last 4 counts 1-16Repeat first 16 counts of Part BROCK, RECOVER, CLOSE, HOLD, ROCK, RECOVER, CLOSE, HOLD, SCOOT BACK WITH TOE TAP, HOLD, SCOOT BACK, HOLD, STEP BACK, STEP, CLOSE, HOLD1-2Step-rock left to side, rock back onto right3-4Close left, hold5-6Step-rock right to side, rock back onto left7-8Close right, hold&9-10Hop back on left foot & tap right toe behind (keeping close to ground - "scoot" with toe tap), hold&11-12Repeat scoot with toe tap, hold13-14Step back on right & tap left heel forward, step forward onto left15-16Close with right, holdTAG STEP, ½ TURN, STEP, ½ TURN, JUMP SIDE, CLICK1-2Step forward on right, ½ turn to the left on ball of left foot (these 2 counts form a "pivot" turn)3-4Repeat pivot turn5-6Jump to right side (keeping it small & leading with right foot), click both sets of fingers at about waist height. (or whatever is comfy for you)