New England Stroll (P)
Making Memories of Us - Keith Urban
Position: Side by Side, lady on the right side slightly in front of man, right hands joined at lady's right shoulder, left hands joined in front of man. You will be facing LODSTEP LOCK STEP, ¼ TURN BRUSH RIGHT, VINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN LEFT, BRUSH1-2Step the right foot forward, step the left foot behind the right foot3-4Step the right foot forward at a slight angle outward, brush the left foot beside the right foot, while making a ¼ turn right Both hands joined at lady's shoulders-outside line of dance5-6Step the left foot to the left side, step the right foot behind the left foot7-8Step ¼ turn left with the left foot, brush the right foot beside the left foot Side by side position-forward line of danceCROSS-ROCK, SIDE ROCK, ¼ JAZZ BOX9-10Rock/cross the right foot in front of the left foot, rock back on the left foot11-12Rock the right foot to the right side, shift the weight back to the left foot13-14Cross the right foot over the left foot, step back on the left foot15-16Step a ¼ turn to the right with the right foot; touch the left toe beside the right foot Both hands joined at lady's shoulders-outside line of danceVINE LEFT, TOUCH, VINE RIGHT, TOUCH17-18Step the left foot out to the left side, cross the right foot behind the left foot19-20Step the left foot out to the left side, touch the right toe beside the left foot21-22Step the right foot out to the right side, cross the left foot behind the right foot23-24Step the right foot out to the right side, touch the left toe beside the right foot at angle towards the left side (or forward line of dance)¼ WALK (LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT), BRUSH, STEP-TOUCH, STEP-TOUCH25-26Step a ¼ turn to the left with the left foot, step forward with the right foot Side by side position-forward line of dance27-28Step forward with the left foot, brush the right foot beside the left foot29-30Step forward with the right foot, touch the left toe beside the right foot31-32Step forward with the left foot, touch the right toe beside the left footREPEATOPTIONAL STEPS FOR BOTH PARTNERS DURING THE VINES: Adding turns with different weight changes.17-18(Raise the right hands over the lady?s head and drop the left hands) step a ¼ turn to the left with the left foot, scuff the right foot while doing a ¼ turn to the left19-20(Lower the right hands and rejoin the left hands to waist level) step the right foot to the right side; touch the left toe beside the right foot21-22(Raise the left hands over the lady?s head and drop the right hands) repeat steps 17-1823-24(Rejoin the hands at the lady?s shoulders) repeat steps 19-20 You can also add in any other variations during the vines or the walking steps if you like.