My Mambo
Mambo No.5 - Lou Bega
CHASSE TO THE RIGHT1-2Step right foot to right, step left beside right3-4Step right to right, step left beside right5-6Step right to right, step left beside right7-8Step right to right, left step beside rightCHASSE TO THE LEFT9-10Step left foot to left, step right foot beside left11-12Step left foot to left, step right foot next to left13-14Step left foot to left, step right foot beside left15-16Step left foot to left, step right beside leftJAZZ VINE RIGHT INTO A CHA-CHA STEP17-18Step right foot to right, step left foot behind right19&20Step right next to left, step left foot in front of right, step right next to left21-22Step left foot forward, step right foot forward (feet slightly apart)23&24Stepping left, right, left back into placeJAZZ VINE LEFT INTO A CHA-CHA STEP25-26Step right foot behind left, step left next to right27&28Step right foot in front of left, step left foot next to right, step down on right29-30Step left forward, step right foot forward (feet slightly apart)31&32Stepping left, right, left back into placeRIGHT KICKS INTO A SAILOR SHUFFLE33-34Kick right foot to the front, kick right foot to the side35&36Step right behind left, step back with left foot, step right next to leftLEFT KICKS INTO A TURNING SAILOR SHUFFLE37-38Kick left foot to the front, kick left foot to the side39&40Step left behind right, step right beside left, step left beside right (while turning to left)RIGHT JAZZ VINE WITH DRAG41-42Step right foot to right, step left behind right43&44Step right foot to right (slightly apart), drag it next to leftLEFT JAZZ VINE WITH DRAG45-46Step left foot to left, step right behind left47-48Step left foot to left (slightly apart), drag next to rightCHARLESTON INTO A COASTER STEP49-50Step forward with right foot, kick left foot forward51-52Back with left, step right foot back53-54Step right foot next to left, kick left foot forward55&56Step back with left foot, step right next to left, step left forward slightlyCHARLESTON INTO A COASTER STEP57-58Step forward with right foot, kick left foot forward59-60Back with left, step right foot back61-62Step right foot next to left, kick left foot forward63&64Step back with left foot, step right next to left, step left forward slightlyREPEAT