Morning Noon And Night
Michele Perron (CAN)
Morning, Noon and Night - Big Joe Turner
SIDE/ROCK, RECOVER, ACROSS, HOLD, 'BALL', CROSS, SIDE/ROCK, RECOVER, ACROSS1-2Right rock/step to side right; left recover/step to side left3-4Right step across front of left; hold&5-6Left toe/ball step to side left; right step across front of left; left rock/step to side left7-8Right recover/step to side right; left step across front of rightSIDE/ROCK, RECOVER, ACROSS, HOLD, 'BALL', CROSS, SIDE/ROCK, RECOVER, ACROSS1-2Right rock/step to side right; left recover/step to side left3-4Right step across front of left; hold&5-6Left toe/ball step to side left; right step across front of left; left rock/step to side left7-8Right recover/step to side right; left step across front of rightTOE-HEEL-ACROSS (SUGAR FOOT RIGHT); TOE-HEEL-ACROSS (SUGAR FOOT LEFT)1-2Right toe touch to left instep; right heel 'touch' to side right3-4Right step across front of left; left toe touch to right instep5-6Left heel 'touch' to side left; left step across front of left7-8Right step back; turn ½ left with left step forward (6:00) Swivel naturally during sugar foot patternTOE-HEEL-ACROSS (SUGAR FOOT RIGHT); TOE-HEEL-ACROSS (SUGAR FOOT LEFT)1-2Right toe touch to left instep; right heel 'touch' to side right3-4Right step across front of left; left toe touch to right instep5-6Left heel 'touch' to side left; left step across front of left7-8Right step back; turn ½ left with left step forward (12:00) Swivel naturally during sugar foot patternTRIPLE TURN, ROCK/BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE TURN, ROCK/BACK, RECOVER1&2Right triple steps with ¼ turn left (right step, left beside, right step) (9:00)3-4Left rock/step back; right recover/step forward5&6Left triple steps with ½ turn right (left step, right beside, left step) (3:00)7-8Right rock/step back; left recover/step forwardTRIPLE TURN, ROCK/BACK, RECOVER, TRIPLE TURN, ROCK/BACK, RECOVER1&2Right triple steps with ¼ turn left (right step, left beside, right step) (12:00)3-4Left rock/step back; right recover/step forward5&6Left triple steps with ½ turn right (left step, right beside, left step) (6:00)7-8Right rock/step back; left recover/step forwardTOUCH/SWIVEL, ACROSS, TOUCH/SWIVEL, ACROSS, TOUCH/SWIVEL1Right touch diagonal right forward (as you swivel/twist on left)2Right step across front of left3Left touch diagonal left forward (as you swivel/twist on right)4Left step across front of right5Right touch to side right; (as you swivel/twist on left)6Right touch diagonal right forward (as you swivel/twist on left)7Right touch to side right (as you swivel/twist on left)8Execute ¼ turn right with right step behind left (9:00)TOUCH/SWIVEL, BEHIND, TOUCH/SWIVEL, BEHIND, KICK/SWEEP, BEHIND, HOLD, UNWIND/TURN1-2Left touch to side left; left step behind right3-4Right touch to side right; right step behind left5-6Left low kick and sweep (rondé) from front to back; left toe/ball 'step' crossed behind right7-8Hold; unwind with full turn left, weight on left (9:00)REPEATRESTART On the fourth rotation only, you will execute the first 48 counts of the dance, then begin again. This occurs during the instrumental section. It is easy to recognize.