More Than This
More Than This - Bryan Ferry
2 KICKS, STEP, TOUCH, 2 KICKS, STEP, TOUCH1-2Kick with the right foot twice3-4Step right foot first, touch the left5-6Kick with the left foot twice7-8Step left foot first, touch the rightSHUFFLE, ROCK, ¼ TURN, RECOVER, WEAVE, CROSS SHUFFLE9-10Shuffle on the right foot11-12Rock left to left side making a ¼ turn to the right, recover onto right13-16Weave to the right (cross, side, behind, side)17-18Left diagonal rock, recover on to the rightROCK, CHASIS, ROCK, HITCH, HITCH, CHASSE19-20Chasse to the left (side together side)21-22Prissy walks forward; right, left23-24Step right foot forward, hitch left knee up making a ½ turn to right on ball of right foot25-26Step left foot forward, hitch right knee up making ½ turn back to left27-28Right chasseTURN, POINT HITCH CROSS, ROCK, SAILOR WITH A ½29-30Touch left behind, unwind full turn to left putting weight onto left foot31-32Point right to right side, hitch right knee up on &, cross right over left33-34Rock left to left side, recover weight back onto right35-36Left sailor with a ½ turn leftREPEAT