Mister In-Between
Pepper Siquieros (USA)
Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive - Willie Nelson
RIGHT FAN, STEP RIGHT SIDE, LEFT TOGETHER, RIGHT SIDE, LEFT STOMP1-4Swivel right toe right, center, right, center5-8Step right to side, step left together, step right to side, stomp left togetherLEFT FAN, WALK BACK LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, HOOK RIGHT1-4Swivel left toe left, center, left, center5-8Step left back, step right back, step left back, hook right over leftLOCK FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, SCUFF, LOCK FORWARD LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, TURN ¼ HITCH1-4Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, scuff left forward5-8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, hitch right knee upCROSS TOE-STRUT, SIDE TOE-STRUT, JAZZ BOX1-2Turn ¼ left and cross right toe over left, drop right heel3-4Touch left toe to side, drop left heel5-8Cross right foot over left, step left back, step right to side, stomp left togetherREPEAT