The Love
You've Got The Love (feat. Candi Staton) - The Source
SIDE BEHIND AND CROSS HITCH, & HEEL JACK AND LOCK, HITCH ¼ ¼1-2Step right to right, cross left behind right&3-4Step right, cross left over, facing right diagonal, hitch right knee pulling chest forward&5Still facing diagonal, step back right, dig left heel forward&6Step left forward, lock right behind left, (still facing diagonal)&7-8Hitch left knee, make ¼ left stepping left forward, make ¼ left stepping right to rightROCK BACK & SIDE, ROCK BACK & ¼, ¼, ¼, ¼ BODY ROLL1&2Rock left behind right, recover on right, step left to left3&4Rock right behind left, recover on left, make ¼ right stepping right forward5-6Make ¼ right stepping left forward, make ¼ right stepping right forward7-8Make ¼ right completing a body roll over 2 countsCHASSE, ROCK BACK RECOVER, SIDE, ROCK BACK RECOVER 1/8, WALK WALK1&2Step right to right, close left, step right to right3-4Cross rock left behind right, recover on right5Step left to left6-7Cross rock right behind left, recover on left8-1Make 1/8 of a turn right walking forward right, walk forward leftANCHOR STEP, 3/8 HOOK: LEFT, SHUFFLE STEP PIVOT FULL TURN2&3Step right behind left, step left forward, step right back4Make 3/8 of a turn left hooking left in front of right5&6Step left forward, close right, step left forward7-8Pivot ½ right keeping feet in the same place, make a further ½ turn right stepping left backREPEATRESTART On wall 6, the music will slow down. Dance 16 counts of the wall then pause for about 5 counts while the music stops. Then start the dance again when the music re-enters