Little Sister
Colleen Archer (AUS)
Little Sister - Dwight Yoakam
For my sister, Jan 1-2Step right to side, step cross left behind right3-4Step right to side, scuff left forward beside right5-6Touch left toe forward slightly to diagonal, drop left heel down&7Raise and drop left heel down&8Raise and drop left heel down taking weight forward onto left (12:00) 1-2Rock step right forward, rock back on left3-4Rock step right back, rock forward onto left5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ left and take weight onto left7&8Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right (9:00) 1-2Step left to side, touch right toe behind left and clap3-4Step right to side, touch left toe behind right and clap5-6Step left back, step/lock right over left (or step right beside left)7-8Step left back, touch right heel forward to diagonal (9:00) 1-2Tap right toe back, twice (two taps)3-4Step right forward, turn ¼ left taking weight onto left Tag goes here on walls 2, 5, 8, and 105&6Bump hips forward to the right, twice7&8Bump hips back to the left, twice (6:00) Hip bumps can be changed from doubles to singles with a hold count 1-2Step right forward to diagonal, touch left beside right and clap3-4Step left forward to diagonal, touch right beside left and clap5-6Touch right heel forward, step right beside left7-8Touch left heel forward, step left beside right (6:00) 1-2Step right back to diagonal, touch left beside right and clap3-4Step left back to diagonal, touch right beside left and clap5-6Touch right heel forward, touch right toe beside left7-8Touch right heel forward, touch right toe beside left (6:00) Counts 5-8 can be turned into sugar footsREPEATTAG During walls two, five, eight and ten, dance to count 28, then add1-4Stomp right to side, hold for 3 counts5-8Bump hips right twice, left twice Restart dance again from beginning