Little Brick House
Oklahoma-Texas Line - Rascal Flatts
Sequence: ABC, AB, ABC, AB, A, A*B, 8 count pause AAPART A RIGHT BRUSH, HITCH, CROSS, LEFT LOCK STEP BACKWARD, TURN ½ RIGHT, TURN ¼ RIGHT, RIGHT SAILOR STEP1&2Brush right foot forward, hitch right, cross step right over left3&4Step back onto left, cross step right over left, step back onto left5-6Turn ½ right stepping onto right, turn ¼ right stepping onto left7&8Cross step right behind left (angle body slightly), step left to side left, step right slightly forward to right sideLEFT BRUSH, HITCH, CROSS, RIGHT LOCK STEP BACKWARD, TURN ½ LEFT, TURN ¼ LEFT, LEFT SAILOR STEP1&2Brush left foot forward, hitch left, cross step left over right3&4Step back onto right, cross step left over right, step back onto right5-6Turn ½ left stepping onto left, turn ¼ left stepping onto right7&8Cross step left behind right (angle body slightly), step right to side right, step left slightly forward to left sideRIGHT KICK-STEP-TOUCH, LEFT KICK-STEP-TOUCH, RIGHT SAILOR STEP, LEFT SAILOR STEP1&2Kick right forward, step right beside left, touch left to side left3&4Kick left forward, step left beside right, touch right to side right5&6Cross step right behind left (angle body slightly), step left to side left, step right slightly forward to right side7&8Cross step left behind right (angle body slightly), step right to side right, step left slightly forward to left sideRIGHT AND LEFT TOE SWITCHES, RIGHT CHASE TURN, LEFT CHASE TURN, HITCH RIGHT MAKING ½ TURN LEFT1&2&Touch right toes forward, step right beside left, touch left toes forward, step left beside right3&4Step forward right, turn ½ left onto left foot, step forward onto right5&6Step forward left, turn ½ right onto right foot, step forward onto left7-8Hitch right knee, pivot ½ turn left keeping weight on left footEXTRA FOR PART A* One time and one time only - in Part A, repeat the right and left chase turns (counts 27-30) before completing the last two counts (31-32). He sings the "Little Brick House" part twice so it makes sensePART B1&2Step side right, step left beside right, step side right3&4Rock left foot behind right, recover onto right, step side leftPART C&5&6Step right beside left, step side left, step right beside left, step side left7-8Rock back onto right foot, recover forward onto left 1-2Step forward onto right toes, drop the right heel3-4Turn ½ right stepping back onto left toes, drop left heel5&6Turn ¼ right stepping onto right, step left beside right, step side right7&8Kick left forward, step left beside right, touch right beside left