Let Your Hair Down
Jessica Haugen (NOR) & Kelli Haugen (NOR)
Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
Get a preview or download music at www.corinnebaileyrae.net There is a very short intro in this song. Start on the first word "Three"STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, CHASSE, ¼ TURN ROCK, RECOVER1-2-3Step left on left, rock forward on right, recover on left4&5Step right to right, step left next to right, step right on right6-7¼ turn right on right and rock forward on left, recover on rightTRIPLE LOCK BACK, SWEEP ½ TURN, STEP, TRIPLE LOCK FORWARD, ROCK, RECOVER8&1Step back on left, lock right over left, step back on left2-3Sweep right foot from front to back doing a ½ turn right on left foot, step forward on right4&5Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left6-7Rock to right on right, recover left (swaying hips)ROCK, ROCK, ROCK, STEP, CROSS BACK, CHASSE ¼, STEP, ½ TURN, STEP8&1Rock (shift weight) right, left, right (swaying hips)2-3Step left to left, cross right behind left4&5Step left to left, step right next to left, ¼ turn left on left6-7-8Step forward on right, ½ turn right on left, step forward on rightROCK, RECOVER, STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, STEP, TOUCH, TOUCH, ½ TURN, STEP&1-2Rock left on left, recover right, step left in front of right&3-4Rock right on right, recover left, step right in front of left5-6Touch left toe forward, touch left toe back7-8½ turn left on left, step forward on rightREPEATRESTARTS On the 4th wall (starting facing 6:00) only do the first 11 counts up to "step forward on right", then touch your left toe next to your right foot and start the dance again facing 3:00 On the 8th wall (starting facing 9:00) only do the first 8& counts up to "lock right over left" and start the dance again facing 12:00. So, although this is actually a 2 wall dance, it becomes 4 walls because of the restartsENDING On the 12th wall (starting facing 6:00) do the first 10 counts substituting the ½ turn sweep with a ¼ turn sweep to finish facing front