Lessons In Love (P)
Love Lessons - Tracy Byrd
Position: Sweetheart Position facing LOD. Man slightly behind lady with a small space between themTOE TAPS FORWARD AND SIDE, SAILOR STEP RIGHT1-2Tap right toe forward, then to right side3&4Cross right behind left, step left in place, step right next to leftTOE TAPS FORWARD AND SIDE, SAILOR STEP LEFT5-6Tap left toe forward, then to left side7&8Cross left behind right, step right in place, step left next to rightRONDE RIGHT, LEFT, TWICE9-10Sweep right toe behind left foot, sweep left toe behind right foot11-12Repeat steps 9-10ROCK BACK RIGHT, RECOVER, TWICE13-14Rock back on right foot, recover on left15-16Repeat steps 13-14WALK FORWARD RIGHT, LEFT, LOCK FORWARD RIGHT17-18Walk forward right, left19&20Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on rightFULL TURN RIGHT, SHUFFLE FORWARD21-22Turn ½ right stepping back on left, turn ½ right stepping forward on right Release left hands and rejoin after turn23&24Step forward on left, slide right up to left, step forward on leftTURN ¼ LEFT, BEHIND LEFT, COASTER STEP ¼ LEFT25-26Turn ¼ left on right foot, step left behind right27&28Step back on right turning ¼ left, step left next to right, step forward on right Now facing RLOD. Release left hands on step 25, rejoin on step 26, taking left hand over lady's head at step 27 into reverse sweetheart positionTURN ¼ LEFT, SIDE RIGHT, COASTER STEP ¼ LEFT29-30Turn ¼ left on left foot, step right to right side31&32Step back on left turning ¼ left into LOD, step right next to left, step forward on leftREPEAT