Kickin' Cha
James "JP" Potter (USA)
Lovers Live Longer - The Bellamy Brothers
STEP FORWARD, RIGHT SHUFFLE, ROCK/RECOVER, 1 ½ TURN SHUFFLE1Step left forward2&3Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward4-5Rock forward on left, replace weight to right6&7Step left back into ½ turn left, step right next to left turning a ½ turn left, step left back into ½ turn left8&1Step right forward into ¼ turn left, step left next to right, step right to right sideHIPS SWAYS, ROCK, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK/RECOVER2-3Sway hips left, sway hips right4&5Sway hips left, rock back on right, replace weight to left6&7Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward8-1Rock forward on left, replace weight to right½ TURN SHUFFLE, STEP ½ PIVOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP FORWARD2&3Step left back turning ½ turn left, step right next to left, step left forward4-5Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left (weight ends on left)6&7Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward8Step left forwardKICK, SWEEP, FULL TURN, SWEEP, SAILOR STEP, ROCK/RECOVER, ½ TURN STEP TOGETHER1Kick right across left2&3Sweep right around to a touch behind left, spin full turn on left foot (weight stays on left foot, right will be touched across when finished. Using the momentum from the sweep will help to get around), sweep right around almost behind left4&5Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side6-7Rock forward on left, replace weight to right8&1Step left back into a ½ turn left, step right next to leftREPEAT If you can't do a 1 ½ turn, make it a ½ turn instead by step back into a half turn with the left for count 6, stepping together for &, and stepping forward on the left for count 8 If you can't do the full turn spin, don't turn. Instead, kick right across for 1, sweep around behind left for 2, touch right to right side for 3.