Kick My A**
Kick My Ass - Big & Rich
SCUFF, BRUSH, SCUFF, STEP, CROSS, BALL CHANGE, STEP TOUCH1Scuff right heel forward2Brush with right toe as right foot crosses in front of left (still standing on left foot)3Scuff right heel to neutral position (same as count 1)4Step right to right side - leading with right heel5Cross left foot behind&6Step right in place (ball), step left slightly forward (change)7Step right to right side8Touch left togetherSTEP, CROSS, SPIN, STEP TOUCH, STEP PIVOT1Step left to left side2Cross right in front of left3-4Pencil spin all the way around to face front again5Big step left to left side6Touch right together7Step right forward8Pivot ¼ to face left (9:00)TOE HEEL TOE, KICK, BALL CHANGE, REPEAT1Step on right ball of foot with knee turned in slightly&Drop right heel in place2With weight on heel of right foot, turn right toe out (hint: helps to bend right knee and end in a lunge toward the right)3Kick left low to left side&4Step left foot in place (ball), cross right foot in front (change)5Step on left ball of foot with knee turned in slightly&Drop left heel in place6With weight on heel of left foot, turn left toe out (hint: helps to bend left knee and end in a lunge toward the left)7Kick right low to right side&8Step right foot in place (ball), cross left foot in front (change)SCUFF, HEEL, STEP, BALL CHANGE, STEP PIVOT, STEP JUMP1Scuff right heel forward2Pick up and drop left heel in place while right knee bends and right foot goes forward, up, back, and down3Step right foot back&4Step left foot back (ball), step right foot forward (change)5Step left foot forward6½ pivot (face 3:00)7Step left foot forward8Jump forward, landing with both feet togetherSTEP TOUCH, SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, TURN1Step forward right2Touch left foot into right - crossed behind slightly3&4Shuffle back leading left (step back left, step together right, step back left)5-6Step back right (rock), step in place left (step)7-8Two step turn inside (right, left) 1½ to face original font (12:00)STEP TOUCH, STEP TOUCH, REPEAT WITH ¼ TURN1Step right in place2Touch left toe forward3Step left in place4Touch right toe forward5Step right in place with ¼ turn to left (9:00)6Touch left toe forward7Step left in place8Touch right toe forwardSTEP, STEP, TURN, STEP, DRAG, TOUCH1Step right forward2Step left forward3&4Turning almost in place to face original front (12:00): cross right behind, step left in place, cross right in front5Step left to left side with bent left knee6-7Drag right foot slowly into left8Touch right foot togetherGRAPE VINE, HIP, HIP, STEP PIVOT1-4Grape vine right (step right to right side, cross left behind, step right to right side, step left together)5Pop right knee forward so hip pushes to left6Switch and pop left knee forward so hip pushes to the right7Step right foot forward8Pivot ¼ to face left (9:00)REPEAT