Kill a Prayer

Easy Improver
Sandra Moschel (FR) - 4 February 2025
Kill A Prayer - Cole Swindell

[1-8] Swivel - Side Shuffle - 1/2 Turn (R) - Side Shuffle - Rock Back
1-2Pivot both heels to the right - Return to center
3&4RF to the right - LF next to RF - RF to the right
5&61/2 turn to the right - LF to the left - RF next to LF - LF to the left
7-8RF back with support - Return support LF

[9-16] Kick Ball Cross - Bounces x2 1/4 turn (R) - (X2)
1&2Kick Ball Cross
3-4Lift both heels - Place them on the ground 2x
(performing 1/4 turn to the right)
5&6Kick Ball Cross
7-8Lift both heels - Place them on the ground 2x
(by performing a 1/4 turn to the right

[17-24] Side rock - Behind side cross - Side step – Vaudevilles (R and L)
1-2RF to the right with support - Return support on LF
3&4RF behind LF - LF to the left - Cross RF in front of LF
&5&6LF to the left - Cross RF in front of LF - LF to the left - RF heel forward (Vaudeville)
&7&8RF next to LF - Cross LF in front of LF - RF to the right - RF heel forward (Vaudeville)

[25-32] Rock fwd - Triple full turn - Step fwd 1/2 turn (R) Mambo fwd
&1-2LF next to LF - RF forward with support - Return support PG
3&4 3small steps on the spot while making 1 complete turn
5-6LF forward - 1/2 turn to the right
7&8LF  forward with support - Return support RF - PG next to the RF

Restarts: On walls 3 and 6 after the 2nd section

Last Update: 10 Feb 2025