I'll Go Where You Go
Ultra beginner - Beginner
Sandra Moschel (FR) - 17 December 2024
I'll Go Where You Go - Celine Dion & J.J. Goldman
[1-8] Stomp fwd - Heels Bounces x3 - (R And L)
1-2Tap right forward - Raise right heel rest right heel
3-4Raise right heel rest right heel x2
5-6Tap left forward - Raise left heel rest left heel
7-8Raise left heel rest left heel x2
[9-16] Side Point x2 (R And L) *
1-2Point right to the right - Touch right to left
3-4Point right to the right - Bring right to left (with support)
5-6Point Left Left - Touch Left to Right
7-8Point Left Left - Bring Left to Right (with support)
[17-24] Step back **- Touch - 1/4 turn (L) Side Step – Touch (L-R-L)
1-2Step back Right - Touch Left to Right
3-41/4 turn left Left to left - Touch Right to Left
5-6Right to right - Touch Left to Right
7-8Left to left - Bring Right to Left (with support Right-Left)
[25-32] Side Swivel - Hold (R And L)
1-2Pivot both Heels to the right - Pivot both Points to the right
3-4Pivot both Heels to the right - Pause
5-6Pivot both Heels to the left - Pivot both Points to the left
7-8Pivot both Heels left - Pause
* Option: 2nd section: Monterey Turn x2
** Option: 3rd section: counts 1-2: Step fwd !!!!!
Have a blast !!!!!!!!!!