Was wär' Weihnachten nur ohne Dich?

Sabrina Vaas (DE) - November 2024
Ohne Dich - Wincent Weiss

Intro: 16 counts

PART A (32 counts)

SEC 1 Weave to R, Kick Ball Change
1 - 5R to R Side, L behind R, R to R side, L cross over R, R to R side
6 7&8touch L beside R, kick L to L diagonal, step L ball slightly back, step R slightly forward

SEC 2 Weave to L, Kick Ball Change
1 - 5L to L side, R behind L, L to L side, R cross over L, L to L side
6 7&8touch R beside L, kick R to R diagonal, step R ball slightly back, step L slightly forward

SEC 3 Monterey Turn ½ R
1 - 8Point R to R side, turn ¼ to R and close R to L, point L to L side, close L to R, point R to R side, turn ¼ to R and close R to L, point L to L side, close L to R 
TAG 1:in Wall 4 and 8 dance until end of SEC 3 and then Tag1 and restart the Dance

SEC 4 Rock Step, Shuffle Back, Back Rock, Shuffle Forward
1 2Step R forward, recover on L
3&4Step R back, close L to R, step R bac
5 6Step L back, recover on R
7&8step L forward, close R to L, step L forward

Tag1 (16 counts) – After Wall 2, 4 (after SEC 3), 8 (after SEC 3)
SEC 1 Rocking Chair x 2
1 2 3 4Step R forward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L
5 6 7 8Step R forward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L
Styling option for first Rocking chair: point both index fingers to front in a little circle from up to down

SEC 2 Jazz Box, 4 Walks forward
1 2 3 4cross R over L, step L back, R to R side, step L forward
5 6 7 8walk forward RLRL

Tag2 (4 counts) – after wall 6
SEC 1 Hip Bumps
1 2 3 4close feet and bump Hip to L, to R, to L, to R

Finish dance with Tag1 after Wall 8.

Merry Christmas and Have Fun!

Last Update: 28 Nov 2024