I'm Calm
Jo Price (NZ) - July 2023
Intro: 16 counts - Start point: feet together weight on right foot
(1 – 8) Right point together, left point together, right shuffle, left shuffle
1, 2Point R to right, close
3, 4Point L to left, close
5&6Step R fwd, Step L by R, Step R fwd.
7&8Step L fwd, Step R by L, Step L fwd.
(9 – 16) Jazz Box Quarter turn right 2x Kick ball change
1, 2,3,4Cross right over left, step left back right forward, turn ¼ right and step left together
5&6Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Step L next to R
7&8Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Step L next to R
(17 – 24) Right hip bumps left hip bumps, V step touch
1&2Bump hips to right, left, right
3&4Bump hips to left, right, left
5 ,6,7.8Step R FWD out to R, Step L FWD out to L, Step R back in, Touch L beside R
(25 – 32) Left grape vine, right grape vine.
1 – 4Step L to L, Step R behind L, Step L to L, Touch R beside L
5 – 8Step R to R, Step L behind R, Step R to R, Close L beside R
Smile and start the dance again!
No tags, no restarts
Submitted by: Phoenix Adamson - Email: phoenix_adamson09@hotmail.com