On & On
Gregory Danvoie (BEL) - July 2024
On and On (feat. Oumnia) - Alex Germys
S1. Step forward, touch, step forward, touch, Out-out, In-in
1-2RF step forward to the R diagonal, LF touch next to RF (12:00)
3-4LF step forward to the L diagonal, RF touch next to LF (12:00)
5-6RF step forward to the R side, LF step forward to the L side (out-out) (12:00)
7-8RF step to the center, LF step to the center (in-in) (12:00)
S2. Rock forward, recover, shuffle forward with ½ turn, rock forward, recover, step back, touch
1-2RF rock forward, recover on LF (12:00)
3&4RF step the R side with ¼ turn to the R, LF step next to RF, RF step forward with ¼ turn to the R (06:00)
5-6LF rock forward, recover on RF (06:00)
7-8LF step back, RF touch to the R side (06:00)
S3. Step forward, touch, step forward, touch, jazz box cross with ¼ turn
1-2RF step forward, LF touch to the L side (06:00)
3-4LF step forward, RF touch to the R side (06:00)
5-6RF cross over LF, LF step back with ¼ turn to the R side (09:00)
7-8RF step to the R side, LF cross slightly over RF (09:00)
S4. Side-step & touch X3
1-2RF step to the R side, LF touch next to RF (09:00)
3-4LF touch to the L side, LF touch next to RF (09:00)
5-6LF step to L side, RF touch next to LF (09:00)
7-8RF touch next to the R side, RF touch next to RF (09:00)
Contacts : Gregory Danvoie – gregoire18@hotmail.com