She's a Knockout

Sandy Kerrigan (AUS) - May 2023
She - Drake Milligan

Dance Info: Dance starts wt on R – Dance Starts on lyrics
BPM [104:67] Track Length 2:53 –
**2 Restarts – Wall 4 and Wall 6 – Last Wall facing 6:00-
Slow Drag Back, Hold until you hear Drake sing..She’s Mine..Start again at 6:00

½ L Basic Waltz, Step Back Behind, Sweeping L 6:00
1 2 3Step Fwd L to L 45ﹾ, 3/8th L Step R Next to L, Step Back on L (small steps) 6:00
4 5 6Step R Back Behind L, Sweep L to L Side (2cnts)

Behind, Side, Cross, Step Side Drag Together 6:00
1 - 6Step L Behind R, Step R to R Side, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Drag L to R 2cnts-wt on R

Turning ¼ L-Step Fwd L, Drag R to L, Hitch R, Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L, ½ Pivot Turn R-wt on R 9:00
1 2 3Turning ¼ L-Step Fwd L, Drag R towards L, Hitch R
4 5 6Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L, ½ Pivot Turn R-wt on R

Step Fwd L, Sweep R Around Fwd, Step Fwd R, Sweep L Around Fwd 9:00
1 - 6Step Fwd L, Sweep R around Fwd 2cnts, Step Fwd R, Sweep L around Fwd 2cnts-wt on R

Cross, ¼ Back, ¼ Step Side, Cross Rock, Replace, Step Side 3:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Turning L-¼ Step Back on R, ¼ Step L to L Side
4 5 6Cross Rock R over L, Replace wt to L Side, Step R to R Side: Ending **Note Below

Cross L over R, Sweep R Around Fwd 2cnts, Cross R over L, ¼ R-Step Back, ½ R-Step Fwd 6:00
1 2 3Cross L over R, Sweep R account Fwd 2cnts
4 5 6Cross R over L, Turning ¼ R-Step Back on L, ½ R-Step Fwd R
Wall 6: Restart here facing 6:00 Wall

Step Fwd L, Drag R Fwd (2 cont Drag), Step Back, ½ L, Step Fwd R 6:00
1 2 3Step Fwd L, Drag R to meet L (2 cnts)
4 5 6Step Back on R, Turning ½ L-Step Fwd L, Step Fwd R (small Steps)
Wall 4: Restart here facing 12:00 Wall

Fwd L Coaster Step, Back Drag Together (2cnt drag) 6:00
1 2 3Step Fwd L, Step R next to L, Step Back on L
4 5 6Step Back R, Drag L back, Hook L over R

Last Wall facing 6:00: Slow Drag L to meet R, Hold until Drake sings:
She’s Mine: Then dance the last wall facing 6:00
Ending: From 9:00: **Dance the R Cross Rock, Replace to L, Turn ¼ R to 12:00-Step R to R Side, Drag L to meet R.