Try to Play it Cool
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - February 2023
How Long (From ”Euphoria” An HBO Original Series) - Tove Lo : (From "Euphoria" An Original HBO Series)
Intro: 8 Counts (start counting with the heavy beat)
Step Fwd. R/L, Triple step, Rocking Chair
1-2-3&4Step fwd. R/L, Shuffle R/L/R.
7-8Step L fwd. Rock back on L, Rock back on L, Return to R
Jazz Box ¼ L, Step R, Kick L, Coaster Step
1-2-3&4Step L over R, Step back on R turning ¼ L, Step on L/R/L,
5-6-7&8Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step back on L/R/L
Vine R, Sway Hips, Vine L, Sway Hips While Turning ¼ L
1-4Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R, Step on L,
5-8Sway hips 2x’s R, Singles L/R
1-4Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step L, Step on R,
5-8Sway Hips 2x’s L, Singles R/L while turning ¼ L, Step on L
That’s it! I hope you like it! Please do not alter routines without my permission.
Thank You, Georgie or