So Country
Don Pascual (FR) - October 2022
Go Country - Coffey Anderson
Start on vocals
Section 1:(R heel fwd, R back toe) x2, point R to the R, point R forward, point R to the R, hook R behind
1-4(Tap R heel forward, tap R toe behind) x2
5-8Point R to the R, point R forward, point R to the R, hook R behind L
Section 2: Vine to the R, scuff L, Kick L fwd x2, stomp up L, R ¼ T into a L flick
1-4Step R to the R, cross L behind R, step R to the R, scuff L beside R
5-8Kick L forward x2, stomp up L beside R, R ¼ T into a L back flick
Section 3: Weave to the L, kick L fwd, R ¼ T into a L flick, step L fwd, kick R fwd
1-4Step L to the L, cross R behind L, step L to the L, cross R in front of L
5-8L kick forward, R ¼ T into a L back flick, step L forward, R kick forward
Section 4: R back step, hook L, step L fwd, scuff R, V step with stomps
1-4R back step, hook L in front of R, step L forward, scuff R beside L
5-8Stomp R forward (R diagonal), stomp L forward (L diagonal), stomp R backward (R diagonal), stomp L beside R
Wall 12 facing 6h00, dance the first 4 counts of section 2, then modify the end of the section as following:
5-8Step L fwd, R ½ T, stomp L beside R, touch R beside L