Whenever I'm With You
Georgie Mygrant (USA) - January 2022
Alone with You (feat. LoƩ) - Y.V.E. 48
Intro: 16 - No Tags!
Kick L Fwd. Walk Fwd.
1-4Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step on L, touch R to L
5-8Walk fwd. R/L/R/L
Zig-Zag Back R/L, Rocking Chair
1-4Step back R diagonal, touch L to R, Step back L diagonal, Touch R to L (If you like, you can shuffle back R and L)
5-8Step back R, step on L, step fwd. R, return to L
Lindy R, Then L
1&2-3-4Step R/L/R, rock back on L, return to R
5&6-7-8Step L/R/L, rock back on R. return to L
Jazz Box to R, Out, Out, In, In
1-4Step R over L, step back on L turning ¼ R, step on L
5-8Step R to side, step L to side, step R to center, step L to center
That's it! Hope you like it! mygeo@adamswells.com
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