Grace Got You Glide
Sherry Barrett (USA) - December 2021
Grace Got You - MercyMe
(1-8) Touch bump step (4x)
1 & 2Touch R ball of foot forward, Rock hips slightly, lower R heel
3 & 4Touch L ball of foot forward, Rock hips slightly, lower L heel
5 & 6Touch R ball of foot forward, Rock hips slightly, lower R heel
7 & 8Touch L ball of foot forward, Rock hips slightly, lower L heel
(9-16) Turn 1/4 R and triple step, pivot turn 1/2 R, triple step, pivot turn 1/2 L
1 & 2Step R foot 1/4 turn R, Step L together, Step R forward
3 - 4Step L forward, pivot 1/2 R onto R foot
5 & 6Step L forward, R together, Step L forward
7 - 8Step R forward, pivot 1/2 turn L onto L foot
(17-24) Turn 1/4 L and Zig Zag backward
1 - 21/4 turn L as you step R (to face 12o'clock), Touch L together
3 - 4Step L diagonal L back, Touch R together
5 - 6Step R diagonal R back, Touch L together
7 - 8Step L diagonal L back, Touch R together
(25-32) Triple step forward, pivot turn 1/2 R, Triple step forward, pivot turn 1/2 L
1 & 2Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
3 - 4Step L 1/2 pivot turn R and shift weight onto R
5 & 6Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward
7 - 8Step R forward, 1/2 pivot turn L onto L
(33-40)* Nightclub two step R and L, turn 1/4 L, Nightclub two step R and L
1 2 &Step side R, drag L behind, step L, step R forward
3 4 &Step side L, drag R behind, Step R, step L forward
5 6 &1/4 Turn L Step side R, drag L behind, step L back, step R forward
7 8 &Step side L, drag R behind, ball change
(41-49) Vine R, point L front, side, sailor step
1 - 4Step R to side, L cross behind step, R step to side, tap L together
5,6,7&8L point forward, L point side, cross L behind step L, step R side, step L side
(50-57) Touch R out, in, out, hitch, cross step, Touch L out, in, out, hitch, cross step
1&2 3-4R toe touch R side, R touch together, R touch side, R knee up, step R across L
5&6 7-8L toe touch L side, L touch together, L touch side, L knee up, step L across R
(57-64) Step L diagonally back touch R, Step R diagonally back touch L, turn ¼ R and R backward triple step, L backward triple step
1 2 3 4Step R diagonally R back, Touch L together, Step L diagonally L back, Touch R together
&5 6 7 81/4 turn R (to face 12 o'clock) Step backward R, L together, R back, L back, Right together, L back
*After the third completion of the dance (when the spoken part of the music ends) restart the dance at the night-clubs and add a tag after the "L point front, side, sailor step". The TAG is "R point front, side, sailor tap" and then return to your place in the dance with "R out, in, out, up, cross, step."
Nightclub two step R and L, turn 1/4 L, Nightclub two step R and L
1 2 &Step side R, drag L behind, step L, step R forward
3 4 &Step side L , drag R behind, step R, step L forward
5 6 &1/4 Turn L step side R, drag cross L behind, step L back, step R forward
7 8 &Step side L , drag cross R behind, step R, step L forward
Vine R, point L front, side, sailor step
1 - 4Step R to side, L cross behind step, R step to side, Tap L together
5,6,7&8L point forward, L point side, cross L behind R step L, step R side, step L side
TAG: R Point front, side, sailor tap
1 2 3 & 4R toe point forward, R point side, R cross behind L, step R, step L, tap R
Touch R out, in, out, hitch, cross step, Touch L out, in, out, hitch, cross step
1&2& 3-4R toe touch side, R touch together, R touch side, R knee up, step R across L
5&6& 7-8L toe touch side, L touch together, L touch side, L knee up, step L across R
Step R diagonally back touch L, repeat L, turn ¼ R and R backward triple step, L backward triple step
1,2Step R diagonal R back, Touch L together
3,4Step L diagonal L back, Touch R together, 1/4 turn R
5,6Step R diagonal R back, Touch L together
7,8Step L diagonal L back, Touch R together
Choreographed April 16, 2019, Typed up December 24, 2021