Why ???

Tine Sjursen (DK) & Majbritt Madsen - June 2020
Why Haven't I Heard From You - Reba McEntire : (iTunes)

Intro: 32 counts
Restart: wall 4 after count 16 (jazzbox, cross)

Lockstep right, lockstep left
1 - 4step right forward, lock left behind, step right forward, small left brush
5 - 8step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, small right brush (12)

2 x ¼ turn paddle-turn, jazz-box cross
1 - 4step right forward, make ¼ turn left (use your hips to roll), taking weight on left, repeat (9, 6)
5 - 8cross right over left, step left back, step right to right side, cross left over right (6)

Right vine, cross, side rock cross, hold
1 - 4step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5 - 8rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right over left, hold (6)

Left vine, cross, side rock cross, hold
1 - 4step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5 - 8rock left to left side, recover on right, cross left over right, hold (6)