Oh! In Your Eyes
Helaine Norman (USA) - August 2020
Alt Music : Sneaky Moon by Tanya Tucker
Intro: 32 - Note: Slow jazz rhythm - 1 or 4 wall.
I. Side Touch X3, Kick Ball Change
1-2Step R side, touch L together
3 4Step L side, touch R together
5-6Step R side, touch L together
7&8Kick L forward, step on L ball, recover to R (or step, L step R)
II. Side Touch X3, Kick Ball Change
1-2Step L side, touch R together
3 4Step R side, touch L together
5-6Step L side, touch R together
7&8Kick R forward, step on R ball, recover to L (or step, R step L)
III. 1/2 Pivot Turn, ¼ Pivot Turn
1-2Step R forward, hold
3-4Step L making 1/2 turn left, hold 6:00
5-6Step R forward, hold
7-8Step L making ¼ turn left, hold 3:00
Optional styling: Snap fingers on steps forward
Optional section III for absolute beginners: Slow charleston (like section IV) 12:00
IV. Slow Charleston
1-2Touch R forward, hold
3-4Step R back, hold
5-6Touch L back, hold
7-8Step L forward, hold
Optional styling instead of holds: Sweeps and swing arms
Optional for 1-2: Kick R forward
V. Slow Jazz Box
1-2Step R over L, hold
3-4Step L back, hold
5-6Step R side, hold
7-8Step L together, hold
VI. Jazz Box, Cross Back, Step X 4 (with Optional Knee Pops)
1-2Step R over L, step L back
3-4Step R side, step L together
5-6Step R, step L
7-8Step R side, step L together
Optional styling for 5-8: Pop knees forward LRLR (weight ending on L)
Contact: Helaine43@gmail.com