On A Prayer
Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - March 2020
On a Prayer (feat. SHY Martin) - Boy In Space
(Intro: 32 count /after you hear “Everything we”) ( No Tags or Restarts )
[S1] Cross Rock, Fwd Rock, Point, Behind, 1/4L, Scuff
1 2Rock/across R over L, Recover weight on L
3 4Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
5 6Point R to the right, Step R behind L
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L, Scuff forward on R prep for 1/4L turn (9:00)
[S2] 1/4L Side Rock w/ Heel, Recover-Behind-Side-Cross, Side Rock w/ Heel, Recover-Behind-Side-Cross
1 2Make a ¼ turn left stepping(press) R to right with L heel up, Recover weight on L (6:00)
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to the side, Cross R over L
5 6Press L to left with R heel up, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Cross L over R
[S3] 1/4R Box Step, Pivot-1/2L, Kick Ball Change
1 2Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on L (9:00)
3 4Step R to the side, Step forward on L
5 6Step forward on R, Make a ½ turn left recover weight on L (3:00)
7&8Kick R forward, Step onto ball of R, Step slightly forward on L
[S4] Slow Kick Ball Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Side Shuffle
1 2Kick R forward, Step onto ball of R slightly to the side
3 4Cross L over R, Step back on R
5 6Step L to the side, Cross R over L
7&8Left side shuffle L-R-L (3:00)
[S5] Cross, Hold, &-Cross w/Sweep, Cross, 1/4L, Side w/ Sweep
1 2&Cross R over L, Hold (2), Step L close to R (&)
3 4Cross R over L, Sweeping L around from the back to the front
5 6Cross L over R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping back on R (12:00)
7 8Step L to the side, Sweeping R around from the side to the front
[S6] Cross-Back-Back, Cross-Back-1/2L, Step-Paddle 1/4L
1 2Cross R over L, Step back on L
3 4Step back on R, Cross L over R
5 6Step back on R, Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
7 8Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L (3:00)
[S7] Fwd, Hold-&, Fwd Rock, 1/4R Side, Hold-&, Side, Together
1 2&Step forward on R, Hold (2), Step L next to R (&)
3 4Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
5 6&Make a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Hold (6), Step L next to R (&) (6:00)
7 8Step R to the side, Step L together
[S8] Point, Flick, Side, Touch, Point, Flick, 1/4L w/ Drag
1 2Point R to the right, Flick R behind L
3 4Step R to the right, Touch L next to R
5 6Point L to the left, Flick L behind R
7 8Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L, Drag R close to L (3:00)
Ending: count 64 – Make a ½ turn left to the front
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 24/Mar/20)