Ojo Lali Marang Gusti

High Beginner
Uli Elfrida (INA) - October 2019
Ojo Lali Marang Gusti (feat. Domunio Choir) - Harkuswo Hartono

Section 1 : Side, together, forward, touch, sway
1 2 3 4Step L side, step R together, step L forward, touch R next to L
5 6 7 8Step R side sway R L R hold (weight on right foot)

Section 2 : Repeat section 1

Section 3 : Side, together, side, hold, cross, recover, side, hold
1 2 3 4Step L side, step R together, step L side, hold
5 6 7 8Cross R over L, recover on L, step R side, hold

Section 4 : Cross, side, behind, 1/4 turn right step R forward, forward, pivot, cross
1 2 3 4Cross L over R, step R side, step L behind R, 1/4 turn right step R forward
 (facing 3.00)
5 6 7 8Step L forwad, pivot 1/4 turn right (facing 6.00), cross L over R, hold

Section 5 : Right mambo, Left mambo
1 2 3 4Rock R side, recover on L, step R next to L, hold
5 6 7 8Rock L side, recover on R, step L next to R, hold

Section 6 : Prissy walk R L, jazz box 1/4 turn
1 2 3 4Cross walk R over L, hold, cross walk L over R, hold
5 6 7 8Cross R over L, 1/4 turn right step L back, step R side, step L forward

Section 7 : Rhumba box
1 2 3 4Step R side, step L together, step R back, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8Step L side, step R together, step L forward, touch R next to L

Section 8 : Side, touch, side, touch, hip bumps R L R hold
1 2 3 4Step R side, touch L next to R, step L side, touch R next to L
5 6 7 8Step R side hip bumps R L R hold

Thank you and hope you enjoy it.

Contact : ulielfridaksp@gmail.com