Cool – Fesch
Harry Schalk (AUT) - July 2017
Cool – Die Seer & Les Humphries Singers (internat. Version)
Alt. Music: Fesch - Die Seer (Austrian Version) - Tag after wall 4
Dance start whit the beginning oft he music and the word [What a FEELING]
Sec. 1: Rock Step, ¼ Turn R. Rock Step, Coaster Step
1, 2RF Step fwd., Weight back on LF
3& 4RF Step right with ¼Turn right, LF next to RF, RF Step right
5, 6LF Step fwd. , Weight back on RF
7& 8LF Step back , RF next to LF , LF Step fwd.
Sec.2: Heel R, L, R, Clap 2x, Heel L, R, L Clap 2x
1& 2RF Heel touch fwd. , LF Heel touch fwd.
&3&4RF Heel touch fwd. , 2 x clap
&5&6LF Heel touch fwd. , RF Heel touch fwd.
&7&8LF Heel touch fwd. , 2 x clap
Sec.3: Stomp L, Stomp R, Chasse L, Stomp R, Stomp L, Chasse R
1, 2LF Stomp , RF Stomp
3& 4LF Step left , RF next to LF , LF Step left
5, 6RF Stomp , LF Stomp
7& 8RF Step right , LF next to RF , RF Step right
Sec.4: Rock Step, ½ Turn Shuffle, Pivot ½ Turn ,Step , Step
1, 2LF Step fwd , Weight back on RF
3& 4LF Step with ¼ Turn left , RF next to LF , LF Step with ¼ Turn left
5, 6RF Step fwd. , ½ Turn left on both legs
7, 8RF Step fwd. , LF Step fwd.
If you dance the Austrian Version ( Seer – Fesch)
TAG after wall 4 : 4 x Stomp RF
Dance starts again ..