An Old Friend
Norman Gifford (USA) - August 2016
Old Friend of Mine - The Grascals : (iTunes)
(Waltz box)
1-3Left stride forward; right step side; left together
4-6Right stride back; left step side; right together
(Stride forward diagonal, toe point side, hold, stride back diagonal, toe point side, hold)
1-3Left crossover forward; right toe point side; hold
4-6Right behind; left toe point side; hold *R*
(Crossover, step side, behind, long step side, draw left together, hold)
1-3Left crossover; right step side; left behind
4-6Right long step side; draw left slowly together; hold
(Rolling full turn left, crossover, step side, step forward)
1-3Left step side in 3rd position into 3/4 rolling turn left (LRL) [12:00]
4-6Right crossover; left step side turning ¼ right; right step forward [3:00] *T*
*T* TAG: Add after 12:00 wall #5 facing 3:00 and after 3:00 wall #10 facing 6:00
(Stride forward, swivel-hook ¼ turning right; step forward)
1-3Left stride forward; right hook up in swivel turn ¼ right; right step forward
*R* RESTART: here in wall #7 facing 9:00 (clue = violin only, no vocals)
(Restart counts as a wall)
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