When We Were Young
Intermediate / Advanced
Francien Sittrop (NL) - December 2015
When We Were Young - Adele : (Album: 25)
Intro: Start after 16 counts from the heavy beat. When she starts to sing
[1 – 8] Basic Nightclub L, Side , Sailor ¼ L, Full Turn L, Press fwd, Recover , Step Back
1-2&Step L to L side, Rock R back, Recover on L
3-4&Step R to R side, Sweep L behind R with ¼ Turn L, Step R next to L (09.00)
5Step L fwd
6 & 7½ Turn L step R back, ½ Turn L step L fwd, Press R fwd
8 &Recover on L, Step R back
[9-17] ½ Turn L sweep, Cross, Side, Behind Dweep , Behind , ¼ Turn R, Step fwd, Step fwd, Pivot ½ L, Step fwd , 1 ¼ Turn R, Step Side
1½ Turn L step L fwd and sweep R fwd (03.00)
2 & 3Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L and sweep L to the back
4 & 5Step L behind R, ¼ Turn R step R fwd, Step L fwd (06.00)
6 & 7Step R fwd, Pivot ½ L, Step R fwd (12.00)
8 & 1½ Turn R step L back, ½ Turn R step R fwd,(**R**) ¼ Turn R Step L big step to the L (03.00)
[18-24] Sailor ¼ Turn R, Mambo Step , Step Back , Coaster Cross, Side Rock , Recover, Cross
2 & 3Sweep R behind L with ¼ Turn R, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (06.00)
4 & 5Rock L fwd, Recover on R, Step L big step back and drag R to L
6 & 7Step R back, Step L next to R , Step R across L
&8&Rock L to L side, Recover on R, Step L across R
[25-32] Side R, Rock back Recover, Side L, Rock back , Recover, ¼ Turn R, Step fwd, ½ R, Step fwd, ½ R , Touch
1Step R big step to R side
2 & 3Rock L back, Recover on R, Step L big step to L side
4 & 5Rock R back, Recover on L, ¼ Turn R step R fwd (09.00)
6&7&Step L fwd, Pivot ½ R, Step L fwd, Pivot ½ R
8Touch L next to R
Start again
Restarts during walls : 3,6 , 8, 10 , 11 after count 16& then start again with count 1
Website : www.franciensittrop.nl
Last Update - 16th Dec. 2015