Tuesday Blues On Wednesday

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - November 2015
I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues - Elton John

#16 count intro,

Cross - Walk Fwd RL - Shuffle to Diagonal - Cross Walk LR to Side Wall - Shuffle Fwd
1,2,Moving fwd step R over L, Moving fwd step L over R
3&4Turning to left diagonal shuffle fwd RLR
5,6Step L over R, Turning to side wall (9 o’clock) step R over L
7&8Shuffle fwd LRL

Mambo Fwd - Mambo Back - Mambo Fwd - 1/4 Coaster
9&10Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Step back on R
11&12Rock/step back on L, Recover fwd on R, Step fwd on L
13&14Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Step back on R
15&16Step back on L, Making 1/4 left step R beside L, Step fwd on L

Step Pivot 1/4 - &Side Rock Recover - &Side Rock Recover - Behind Side Across
17,18Step fwd on R, Pivot 1/4 left transferring wt to L
&Step R beside L
19,20Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R
&Step L beside R
21,22Rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L
23&24Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R across L

&Side Rock Recover - &Side Rock Recover - 1/4 Back - Back Hitch Step Fwd - Back Hitch Step Fwd
&25,26Step L to left, Rock/step R behind L, Recover fwd on L
&27,28Step R to right, Rock/step L behind R, Recover fwd on R
&29,30Making 1/4 right step back on L, Step back on R as you hitch L slightly, Step fwd on L
31,32Step back on R as you hitch L slightly, Step fwd on L

*There is a Tag at the end of walls 3 and 6.
Starts facing the back, but you will be facing the front to start the dance again.
Cross Walk Fwd Shuffle Fwd Step Pivot 1/2 Shuffle Fwd 4 Count Rocking Chair
1,2,3&4Cross/Walk fwd RL, Shuffle Fwd RLR
5,6,7&8Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 right, Shuffle fwd LRL
9,10,11,12Rock/step fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock/step back on R, Recover fwd on L

We love Tuesday Blues by Simon Ward, but it’s a bit hard for some of us …..
So here is Tuesday Blues On Wednesday…… so named because I wrote it on Wednesday.
We might even find this a bit of a challenge, but we will be out there trying….
Hope it works for YOU too. (-:
See you on the floor sometime.... Jan

Contact ~ Email:janwyllie@iinet.net.au - Web Site: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~janwyllie